Thursday, 27 October 2016

Year 1 students your half term prep is -
1.       Live Theatre: Ensure detailed notes are written up on Woman in Black & Pride & Prejudice in the templates provided. I have attached them again.
2.       AMSND: Learn lines and develop characterisation ideas considering the following –
o   Your characters emotions/objectives
o   Whether you are transposing the setting or modernising it (refer to modern adaptations including The Globe’s version)
o   Physical Skills - Using your physicality, movement, posture, eye contact
o   Vocal Skills – Tone, pace, volume, pitch, use of pauses
3.       Recap Commedia performance techniques. On the Servant blog read the post entitled – How Would You Perform The Role Of Truffaldino in this extract to make the audience laugh? In the comments box below the post write a paragraph explaining how you would perform the role of Truffaldino to make the audience laugh in the script extract given.
Sarah Stow
Course Team Leader for Drama and Theatre

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Exam stress getting you down?

Exams are important, but not worth getting ill over...

Check out this campaign from MIND Cambridge 

Where to get help…

When the going gets tough, talk to an adult you trust or check out these free and confidential services for young people:

YMCA Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

T. 01733 373175

Centre 33

T. 01223 316488
There is also lots of useful information at

And if it all gets too much…

Sometimes stress can be so overwhelming that it can lead to persistent feelings of hopelessness, despair and possibly suicide.
If you — or someone you know — are feeling very low a lot of the time and/or you are having thoughts of suicide, talk to an adult you trust as soon you can and/or contact:

HopelineUK (see details of opening hours at

T. 0800 068 41 41
SMS. 07786 209697


T. 116 123 (UK Freephone, 24-hour helpline)
See also for more information.
By sharing how you're feeling, you will feel better.
Find out more at MIND Cambridge

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Positivity Before Exams

Positivity Before Exams

Whilst you are working hard and revising, remember to be kind to yourself and realistic in your expectations 

Positive affirmations when you aren't feeling so good!

Motivation when you need a good kick!

Start the Day with Determination - 
Finish the Day with Satisfaction

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Managing Exam Stress

7 Ways to Manage Exam Stress

7 Ways to Manage Exam Stress

  When you are dragged down into the murky depths of exam season, it can be difficult to keep track of the 'little' things: like food, sleep, exercise, when you feel under pressure to devour four books a day for sustenance, fall asleep while listening to foreign language podcasts in the hope that it'll all sink in by the time the oral exam comes around, and the only exercise you can make time for is lugging a rucksack full of textbooks up and down the library stairs.

We've all been there before, and the thing is, unless you are in your finals (good luck!), you will likely be there again. When the fog clears and you reintroduce yourself to normality, you might look back and wish you had put yourself, your health, your sanity, first a little more. So, here's some advice from BACP therapist Dawn Hastings to keep you afloat the next time the pressure's on. 

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

The Encounter - Complicite

The Encounter - Complicite

Tonight at 7.30 on youtube -

there will be a live streaming of The Encounter

which I am told is amazing!

Inspired by the book Amazon Beaming by Petru Popescu.

In 1969 Loren McIntyre, a National Geographic photographer, found himself lost among the people of the remote Javari Valley in Brazil. It was an encounter that was to change his life, bringing the limits of human consciousness into startling focus. 

Simon McBurney traces McIntyre's journey into the depths of the Amazon rainforest, incorporating innovative technology into his solo performance to build a shifting world of sound.

Visit our resource website for more information on the making of The Encounter.

Benedict Cumberbatch on The Encounter | Complicite

Monday, 22 February 2016

Invest in you

Invest Your Time Wisely
Exams are coming and how you do in your exams will help to define your next steps - I watched the video below and it really made me think about what I do and what I want to do - I hope it does the same for you!

Thursday, 21 January 2016

5 weeks till the Creative Adaptation mock!

5 weeks to go 

until the Creative Adaptation mock!

Please use the Long Road Creative Adaptation blog to help you with your devising process. 
It is a difficult creative process and there are so many resources to help you.
Just click!

2 weeks till Berkoff Scratch Night!

10 point Berkoff preparation checklist 
With just two weeks to go until your public performance, what else do you need to do?

  1. Costume - your should be rehearsing with costume and thinking carefully about what you costume adds to your performance and whether it is in line with Berkoffs style. Do your research
  2. Make Up - Are you using make up? Why does berkoff use make up? How long will it take to apply? Make sure you have practiced a few times before the exam
  3. Hair - Your hair must be tied back and not in your face
  4. Set - Make sure you are practicing with your set in The Stage as much as possible - Two groups can comfortably rehearse in The Stage together
  5. Tech - Have any changes to your technical requirements been sent to Graeme. You must run through you piece with all tech before the public performance. Be clear when music should start and stop, if you have lighting changes, when slides need to change on your Powerpoint presentations - remember if you are using a Powerpoint the screen should never be blank.
  6. Spacing - You must rehearse in The Stage or length ways across The Space to be sure that your spacing is right and you are not cramped or blocking one another.
  7. Voice - make sure you have a clear voice (different from your own) for all characters you play. Practice at home whenever you can
  8. Physicality - Your physicality for each character you play must be exaggerated and clear express your characters physical appearance and personality. Multi role changes should be clear
  9. Ensemble and Chorus work - This should be tightly choreographed and you must know exactly what you are doing and when. Work to clear timings even counting your way through movement sequences.
  10. Rehearsals - make sure your rehearsals are productive by setting clear goals for every rehearsal. Make sure you are fed and watered, your phones and other distractions are out of sight and that you are as ready to work

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

AS Drama Berkoff Mock Exam

AS Drama and Theatre Studies
Mock Exam Timetable
14th Jan 2016
Get In
Get Out

Brighton Beach

12.15 – 12.25
Q Dahling

S Dahling

S West
