Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Exam stress getting you down?

Exams are important, but not worth getting ill over...

Check out this campaign from MIND Cambridge 

Where to get help…

When the going gets tough, talk to an adult you trust or check out these free and confidential services for young people:

YMCA Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

T. 01733 373175

Centre 33

T. 01223 316488
There is also lots of useful information at

And if it all gets too much…

Sometimes stress can be so overwhelming that it can lead to persistent feelings of hopelessness, despair and possibly suicide.
If you — or someone you know — are feeling very low a lot of the time and/or you are having thoughts of suicide, talk to an adult you trust as soon you can and/or contact:

HopelineUK (see details of opening hours at

T. 0800 068 41 41
SMS. 07786 209697


T. 116 123 (UK Freephone, 24-hour helpline)
See also for more information.
By sharing how you're feeling, you will feel better.
Find out more at MIND Cambridge